Don't let your customers go bananas! How Comark helps Proximus keep subscribers smiling

Inge Plessers – 28 May 2024

Think nxt event Proximus

Imagine this: you’ve landed a massive client – a Belgian telecom giant like Proximus. The pressure is on to keep their customers engaged, not threatening to switch providers. That was the challenge we faced at Comark, a marketing technology agency, and let’s just say, we didn’t reach for the life raft!

The Signal Was Fading: Customer Retention in Telecom

Proximus was experiencing customer churn – or customers jumping ship. The cause? A disconnect between Proximus and their subscribers. New customers felt lost in the sea of information, and existing ones weren’t feeling the love. This is a common challenge in the telecom industry, where customer retention strategies are crucial for long-term success. The goals are set: ensure high customer satisfaction and loyalty, minimising churn and maintain positive brand perception.

Diving In: Charting the Course with Targeted Email Marketing

We knew brute force wouldn’t work. We needed a strategy as smooth and personalised as a perfectly crafted ringtone. Enter the power of targeted, personalised email marketing, a powerful tool for customer retention.

Casting the Net: Crafting Engaging Email Campaigns

One of the initiatives we designed is a customer onboarding journey – a series of automated and personalised emails that welcomed new subscribers, explained their product(s) and/or service(s) in a clear and friendly way, and offered helpful tips to maximise their Proximus experience. For existing customers, we crafted engaging emails with relevant updates and exclusive offers. Acoustic and Unica Deliver were instrumental in this process, allowing us to plan, build, automate, and send these targeted sequences. By using powerful analysis tools like PowerBI and Microstrategy, we got a deep understanding of how the emails performed and we were able to identify areas for improvement both copy and lay-out wise. We used project management tools like GoodDay, Monday and Confluence to create timelines, assign tasks, and ensure seamless execution.

The Takeaway: The Power of Understanding Your Customers

This wasn’t just about emails; it was about understanding Proximus’ customers and crafting the right message at the right time. Intrigued by the power of targeted marketing for customer retention? We’d love to chat and see how Comark can help your brand make a splash! What marketing channel do you find most challenging to utilise effectively? Let’s work together to turn that frown upside down (and your customer churn rate into a distant memory).

P.S. While Inge passed the torch to our new Comark teammate, Floke, the mission at Proximus continues! We’re a team dedicated to client success, and Proximus story is just one of many.